- A Great Awakening
- A Photo Finish
- A Thousand Ashes
- Abel
- Adams Last Dance
- Adora
- Amicus
- Among The Flood
- Anxiety
- Archers & Illuminators
- Art Of The Flesh
- Ashley Garland
- Backdrop
- Beneath The Blue
- Bidwell
- Born Of Osiris
- Britney Spears
- Case Of Emergency
- Chantey Savage
- Charlie Babie
- Chase and the Reach
- Chasing The Skyline
- City of Rockets
- Comasoft
- Dead On TV
- Decayal
- Dorians Decay
- Down & Dirty
- Dreaming In Stereo
- Echonine
- Eli Rises
- Farewell Yesterday
- Finding Valor
- Fire And Forget
- FIVEOHfirst
- Flight Plan
- Game Changer
- Guardians
- Genus
- Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
- Goodnight, the Moon
- Goodbye, Good Sense
- Hessler
- High Class Riot
- I Killed Everyone
- Internal Devine
- Internal Empires
- Erica Iozzo
- Jacobs Cabin
- Jamie Principle
- Just Like Vinyl
- Law of 4
- Leaving Eden
- Lenny V
- LetLive
- Marleah Liddle
- Loveblast
- Love Junkies
- Lybria
- Klaus Luchs
- Marla
- Made In Hollywood
- Magnus Rising
- Marla
- Massakren
- Mecca
- Meridians
- Pamela Moore
- My Oh My
- Never Hit Soft
- Nothing Forgotten
- Nothing Is Forever
- Oceano
- On A High Wire
- Jamie Principle
- Rebels Without Applause
- Sacred Dawn
- Scarlett
- Sid Mauldlin
- Sherrie Adams
- Slick
- Split Habit
- Starkill
- Textures of Lions
- The Aesthetic
- The Attraction
- The Captain Hates The Sea
- The Fight Night
- The Graven
- The Moose
- The Reserve
- The Shakes
- The Sky We Scrape
- The Welfare Beer League
- The World Ends With You
- This Is A Stickup
- This Is Where You Run
- Thyateira
- Trainwreck Symphony
- Transit Studio
- Warforged
- Your Everyday Hero